So who is Becca Forrest?

This is something I’ve questioned myself countless times.

To put it simply.

I’m not a conventional woman. I’m a renaissance one.

I’m a writer, a collaborator, a guide, a creator, and a human who loves to connect.

Over my years at the University of Life..I’ve learned, grown, and discovered that what makes me happiest is connecting with people and liberating myself from the social norms we all encounter.

From a young age I’ve been put into boxes…as we all have. And my twenties have been moments of shedding layers of who people have wanted me to be and stepping into my ever changing me. One who likes to put words on paper and dance when people are or aren’t watching. One who questions the world with curiosity and wonder.

My mission here is to heal. I find that writing is the ultimate form of healing for me. And while I heal…I’d like to share the raw, un-tapped me. And maybe…my words will find some resonance in you.

Thanks for stopping by :)